
Acupuncture is a healing practice that has been used for thousands of years in the East. Through the insertion of hair-like needles into specific points on the body, a person's health can be prodded to regain harmony. 

The main principle of Eastern Medicine is to keep the Yin and Yang as well as the organs' energies back to balance. When they are out of balance, we experience illness or pain. Acupuncture is a way to harmonize the body back into balance and therefore back to health.

Soon Pak Acupuncture utilizes a specific technique called Wun Ki Sa Am Acupuncture.


Wun Ki Sa Am Acupuncture

Wun Ki Sa Am Chim is the style of acupuncture created by Dr. Soon Pak. It is a very potent style of acupuncture and can produce powerful results. 

So what exactly is Wun Ki Sa Am Chim?

In Eastern Medicine Wun Ki is the energy of the universe, and a person's Wun Ki constitution is their energy according to the time they were conceived and born. Sa Am Chim is a popular style of Korean acupuncture also known as “Four Needle Technique”. Following this theory, Dr. Pak uses a person’s Wun Ki constitution, pulse, palpation and presenting signs/symptoms to determine the best diagnosis and treatment plan. By using this style of acupuncture, we are able to not only treat the patient's symptoms, but also the root of the problem by balancing the organs' energies.


Herbal Medicine

The practice of herbal medicine began well over 2000 years ago. Herbs are taken as a formula which includes several different kinds.

The formulas in herbal medicine are not merely collections of medicinal substances. They are complex recipes of interrelated herbs, each of which affects the action of others in the formula. It is this complex interaction which makes the formulas so effective. 

There are two forms of herbal medicines offered at our office. They are both customized herbal formulas that are made on the premises.

One is a decoction in which various herbs are prepared, boiled down for several hours in a special machine, and packaged into single serving sizes. The final product is ready to drink as per instructions of our herbalist.

The other herbal medicine is a customized formula that is in a concentrated powder form. They are portioned and packaged into single serving sizes, and to be taken as a tea as per instructions of our herbalist.

All our custom made herbal formulas are individualized to address your unique clinical presentation and are made safe for consumption.